Hello, I am trying to make a Roll-A-Ball controller. I would like for the camera to rotate around the player/ball without the ball moving. The ball would only move when the player gives input. How could this be accomplished?
EDIT: I realize the first question was vague. Here is more information.
I want the camera to rotate around the ball without it moving, then when an input is pressed (W, A, S, D, etc) I want the ball to rotate and match the forward direction of the camera.
I did this using the rolling ball project template:
I see what you did there, but it’s not what I’m looking for. My apologies, maybe i can explain better.
I want the camera to rotate around the ball without it moving, then when an input is pressed (W, A, S, D, etc) I want the ball to rotate and match the forward direction of the camera.
No worries. So the main BP is now:
The control:
( I added an empty scene where the balls is ).
What is the “Scene” node?
EDIT: I missed the (I added an empty scene node), however what is the node next to the get component velocity node?
It’s invisible, it doesn’t do anything, but you can use scenes for a lot of things.
Here, I put it in the BP, because all the other components had transforms, I just needed a component with no transform. Much easier to work with.
You add it by just clicking Add component → scene
( The arrow is just so you can see it’s working ).
Yes, hard to see, eh… it’s a vector = ( nearly equals ).
Got it, I added it, what is the node next to get component velocity?
Okay so, (I’m not using the rolling ball template for this, trying to make it from scratch), I implemented it, but it’s extremely hard to control.
As soon as i press a key, it rolls off in that direction, doesn’t change directions if you press another key.
Best to take a look at the preset project, it has physics settings you might find useful.