I have been trying to use Rokoko studio live to map movements onto a character in Unreal 5 that I took from Mixamo. I created the bone map and renamed all the joints correctly and it does react to my movement however it always starts as being bent even though I am in a standing straight position (see picture here: problem1 — Freeimage.host ). Do you happen to know what might be the issue?
I also tried the same with Unreal 4.27 just to make sure that it is not a problem with the plugin not supporting the new Unreal version but the same thing happens there as well.
Best practice is to record the performance and then export as an animation file and do the retarget of the animation file to the new skeleton, in case you don’t really need live performance.
Rokoko has no real support for unreal. They don’t even have the proper skeleton on export (on either beta or the old version).
Studio live just sends the position data over. That position can be altered before being uses by just adding offset to bones where needed.
Go through Blender. it’s faster.
Get the rokoko blender plugin. send the data over to blender with re-targeting. Then from blender send it off to unreal using the livelink plugin.
FaceAR for rokoko also blows, so you may want to consider streaming that directly into unreal or blender for recording while seeing a custom preview mesh of the actor.
For the price of hardware/software, Rokoko is really a huge let down. At least they are appear to listen to feedback.
Hello @sanyiv1 and @anonymous_user_02719058 !
Since you had both the same issue, would you check this out an tell me if it helped?
Just released, I hope it will be usefull!
I don’t remember exactly what was the issue but in case someone is still looking I found the solution through Rokoko’s discord group (Unreal channel) where they had a troubleshooting google docs document link for those issues, one of which was this specific one.
If the problem is the same, the issue is likely retargeting bone rotations.
Its why going from Rokoko to Blender, then from Blender to Unreal using the rokoko blender plugin is a better idea.
Rokoko studio puts in the data.
Blender puts in your retargeting.
Unreal records your perfromance - using its internal 30fps and interpolation / awful point precision.
Doing so ensures that your end product is as good as unreal can do and never better
(Now that’s not exactly smart, nor is it futureproof, but lets be honest here. The engine is never going to get any better at animations/skeletal meshes.)