Rocket Take off

Show me the tree just in case…

This is what it looks like.

I found a working camera that I applied to a pawn, now the only problem is that I need 2 event ticks, one for the camera and one for the movements, so it doesn’t work. Not to mention the fact that the camera has very jerky movements and shakes.

Detach the camera from the mesh, that’s why it’s moving with the mesh:

You can have as much on tick as you like:

Except I want the camera to move with the rocket.

It will go up with it, because it’s still connected to the root, it just wont rotate with the mesh.

I tested and it works, but the problem is that the camera is not going in all directions, and that’s what is really annoying. In addition I realized by manually changing the angle of the camera in the viewport that there is a problem with the movement: the rocket rises a certain distance depending on the value of the variable, it descends and when it hits the ground it bounces even higher. It does it 2 or 3 times, and then at one point it goes to the side and it does anything.

Ok, it’s getting complicated now :slight_smile:

If you zip up the map with it in, and post it somewhere online, I’ll take a look.

Just put the rocket in an empty level and:


Here is my project. Once again thank you very much for spending so much time to me. I had to delete the base content because the file was too big.…ew?usp=sharing

You need to put the rocket in the level :slight_smile:

How about attaching the .uasset file here? ( that’s your BP, but from the windows file manager )

OK sorry. I put the 2 files: “fusée” is the one with the movements and “fusee” the one with the camera. I had to use winrar to compress them, I don’t have permission to put this type of file.

Meh, can’t see them I’m afraid. Are you running 4.26?

Last go: Make a new FP project, without starter content, and migrate the assets to that project. You can then zip it up…

Yes I am in 4.26, like I said I have been using unreal not very long ago.

No good, can’t read it ( I have 4.25 ).

So the rocket moves ok, what are you trying to achieve with the camera?

( BTW: not your fault, 4.25 will not open 4.26 stuff )

I want to have a camera that rotates around the rocket 360 °, in all directions and all axes, I don’t know how to say it. I want to be able to see the rocket from all angles.

Ok, so you want the camera to move up with the rocket, but still be 360-able during that process?

Exactly. And it seems to me that there is a way that the camera doesn’t glitch when it’s too close to the wall, but I don’t know which one.

Wall of the ship?

Sorry I did not understand. Can you rephrase please?

Ok, you need to attach the camera to something else instead of trying to move the camera. When I add a camera, it’s like this:


Make sure the camera is selected in the tree and add an empty scene component:


It looks like this:

Then, drag the scene onto the camera component:
and then drag the camera onto the scene:


After this, you should have:


Notice how the scene is the parent of the camera, and the camera has no transform.

Now we can put the scene in the center of the rocket and the camera goes with it:


and we can pull the camera out to the right position ( move the camera, not the scene this time ):


Now, the camera will have a transformed location, but the rotation is zero. This was the whole point of doing this:

NOW… in your BP, you rotate the scene, not the camera. And the camera will always stay the right distance from the rocket.