Roadmap - When will there be Linux / Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Support

Hi all,

We are creating a render farm which is going to use Linux / Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

For our photogrammetry pipeline I want to know if it is on the roadmap to ever support Linux or not? It would be very nice if this was the case because it lets us integrate better with all of our existing tools that are also developed in Linux. The more we avoid Windows, the better.

At the company we heavily use virtualization (Docker) and it would be even cooler if this works inside a docker container. We also use Houdini (on ubuntu) to render everything. Integrating with existing tools on the same OS makes life easier.

I believe I am not the only one where this would be a welcomed feature.

Benjamin Yde
Synthetic Data & Simulation Engineer

Hi BenjaminYde,

We do not publish our roadmap, but support for Linux is a quite popular feature request so I have added your comments to the request which will boost the priority of the feature. Thanks so much for contacting us about this.

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Hi @OndrejTrhan,

Are there any updates on this matter for the 2025 roadmap? Would be amazing if RealityCapture would be released on Linux/Ubuntu so we can integrate our tooling on the same platform.


Hi Benjamin, there are no any changes to my last post, as the roadmap is not public. If something like this happen, we will inform about it surely.

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