[RMA ImGui] offers an integration of ImGui, ImPlot and ImSpinner libraries with a highly optimized and modular approach.
ImGui is designed to enable fast iterations and to empower programmers to create debug tools.

Release Notes

New - 5.4 version support.

V:2.3.1 / V:2.2.1
Fixed - Slot Manager.
Fixed - Shortcut System.

New - 5.3 version support.

New - ImSpinner Library.
Improvement - Updated The Libraries.
Improvement - Render Has Been Completely Reworked.
Improvement - Codes Have Been Completely Refactored.

New - 5.2 version support.

New - 5.1 version support.

New - 5.0 version support.


  • This plugin requires knowledge of C++.
  • This plugin is indicated but not limited to AA and AAA studios that intend to develop their tools.
  • This plugin is not just a simple libraries linking, it offers a complete integration.
  • ----Obviously ImGui/ImPlot/ImSpinner libraries linkage.
  • ----Geometry data is rendered directly by Slate providing high performance.
  • ----Inputs filtering and redirection (Mouse/Keyboard/Gamepad).
  • ----Management and processing of fonts.
  • ----Window/Viewport/Focus/Layout management.
  • ----Performance statistics.
  • ----The full list of features is available in the documentation.

List of Features

  • ImGui library
  • ImPlot library
  • ImSpinner library
  • Keyboard/Mouse support
  • Gamepad support
  • Dock system
  • Rendering by Slate
  • Editor/Game support
  • With source code


Engine Versions

Development Platforms

Target Build Platforms


Marketplace : RMA ImGui
Gumroad Marketplace : RMA ImGui
Demo : RMAImGuiDemo.zip - Google Drive
Documentation : RMAImGui - Google Docs

Do you plan on adding support for 4.27 any time in the near future? Still stuck on 4.27 on an active project and would love to get this integrated if it is a possibiity.

Unfortunately it is not feasible to add support to 4.27, this would require several drastic changes to the core of the plugin.

Understood. Thanks!

Hi @RafaelMAlmeida, thank you for your work.
We purchased the plugin yesterday and are looking to integrate it.
I notice that you’ve put a demo, unfortunatly this demo only contains the binaries, not the sources. Do you please have the sources of this demo as well, especially the sources of the code handling the ImGui plugin.

1 Like

The demo is only a minimal project consisting of (Level + Plugin), it does not have any implementation. To activate the demo you only need the plugin, the shortcuts are described in the documentation.
Thank you.

same boat. I have knowledge of C++ but I need some start point tutorial. I purchased the plugin but is useless for me with no actual example codes. The Doc is too weak. I purchased it because I downloaded the demo and is awesome but once you download the plugin it doesnt have the demo project sources to see how it works :frowning:

Thinking about request a refund

Hi, the example code is included in the plugin, with the plugin installed and enabled, just press the PageUp key as stated in the documentation, the example code is in the RMAImGui.cpp file as shown in the picture below

Thank you.

hello,i purchased this plugin for building my own gui,not a demo ,can you please help me to use it? after i applied this plugin in ue5,how can i use it to build my gui?thank you.

Below is a simple example of how to implement a custom GUI

Then when the “Page Up” key is pressed the GUI is displayed

I hope you find this useful,
Thank you.