RInterp To: Spinning Wildly

This blueprint script should rotate toward another actor (in the yaw axis) using RInterp To and Find Look at Rotation

If I set the interp speed to 0.0, the actor will ‘snap’ to the other actor’s position, however, the goal is to smoothly rotate.

Setting the interp speed to anything other than zero (100, 1, 0.1, 0.0001) will cause the actor to spin around wildly without stopping.

Please help.

Assume the ‘Select Float’ node is always producing zero for the current problem.

Figured this out after a solid three hours.

If you are having this problem, check the rotation of your meshes and make sure they are rotated toward 0,0,0!

Hello, i’m currently having exactly the same problem. What do you mean with ‘check the rotation of your meshes and make sure they are rotated toward 0,0,0’?