RigVMMemoryDeprecated error messages for custom Control Rig

Hi all,
Working in 5.4.4
I am trying to create a custom Control Rig in code following these starting instructions in a recent post:

Everything looks fine but as soon as try to build I get errors on an Engine class:

11>RigVMMemoryDeprecated.h(151): Error C2523 : ‘FRigVMRegister::!IsKinematic’: finalizer tag mismatch
11>RigVMMemoryDeprecated.h(151): Error C3941 : ‘FRigVMRegister::!FRigVMRegister’: requires ‘/clr’ command line option
11>RigVMMemoryDeprecated.h(435): Error C2300 : ‘FRigVMRegister’: class does not have a finalizer called ‘!IsKinematic’

What is going wrong here? Looks like something in the Engine is failing, but Control Rig assets in the project run without any problems.
Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance!

@easy_cak3 I created a new post since your original post was closed and I couldn’t reply. Do you have any idea of what’s going on or what I am missing?