RigidBody Node scaling parts of Skeletal Mesh?

Hello - So I’m trying to setup multiple RigidBody nodes for dynamic pouches, ponytails, etc. similar to the Echo UE Tutorials, but I’m encountering (multiple) strange issue(s). Each component has it’s own Physics Asset I’m tooling.

  1. The RigidBody node in an AnimBP seems to scale the intended parts of the mesh, like a ponytail, to the size of a shrunken little husk (when set at the default settings). When left with default settings, the actual simulation of the parts seems relatively in line with what should be expected.
  2. When setting up the RigidBody node to work inside Base Bone Space (Simspace), the scale seems relative correct, BUT the intended mesh part will now stretch off into some distance away (the pouch will go off to the side, and the ponytail will sink through the floor) - Toggling “Clamp Linear Translation Limit to Ref Pose” will fix the stretching, but the behavior of the simulated part is completely off from any tests within the individual physics assets:
  3. a. For example (with the Clamp toggle) - the Pony Tail will rotate around itself, almost as if around the base/kinematic hinge of the ponytail.
  4. b. As for the cannisters/pouches, they simply freak out in place, like a classic G-mod cluster of collisions smashing about.

It just seems quite strange - within the each physics asset the pouches and hair behaves exactly as desired, but I must have some kind of strange overlooked issue going on elsewhere for the RigidBody to behave so bizarrely, no?

If anybody has encountered and solved this before, or has some tips, any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated!

Im running into the same problem in UE 5.3.2. From my research it may be an engine bug, a little surprising there are so few posts about it when it has been happening for ao long though.