Hey, i just wanted to try 4.16 rigid body node in animBP but it constantly crashes my editor when I try to compile it.
It works under errors for the default mannequin but just bluntly crashes on my own character. I use a completely custom skeleton with bone names that are different from the mannequin. I have setup a dedicated phat that has the same configuration as the mannequin.
Here is a link to one of the crash log folderes:
If you need any more infos to help debug this, let me know.
I want to know what the exact requirements for the PHAT settings are for the rigid body node to work, a documentation would be cool.
The compile error explains that using world collision with component space simulation is not supported. You will need to disable the Component Space Simulation on the RigidBody node to get this working when the Overlap Channel is enabled.
If it still has issues after you clear up those warnings, please post a small test project with the asset you mentioned.
Hey mate, thanks for that, but that isnt really what I was wanting to have looked at. Its the crash of the engine that happens when I compile it in my own character that uses a competely custom skeleton. I dont really care about the mannequin at all. Your answer is useful, but it doesnt solve my question as to why it crashes. Please have a look at the log I attached.
I have also tried to disable component space simluation for my the thing in my project, but the engine still closes at compile. And in the log it doesnt say anything useful, therese are the last two lines:
[2017.05.24-17.46.17:665][ 76]BlueprintLog: New page: Compile maya_animBP
[2017.05.24-17.46.18:832][ 76]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. (0)
“Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet” means “the process has been successfully terminated”
I have no idea why.
Hmmm, thats interesting it worked on a fresh animBP.
So at least it nothing to do with the way my physics asset is set up.
It has something to do with my animBP, but that is very strange. Even if I detach all nodes except for locomotion machine and plug it into rigid body. It compiles for 2 seconds, then the engine closes, like its forcequitting from a long lag.