I have a rigid body that will play a sound won collision. This works when it collides with a static mesh , but it will not recognise when it has collided with a BSP surface.
Video of the problem can be found here.
The only settings for the BSP that I could change were related to the material and lighting . Is there a way of changing the BSP settings so that it will recognise that a rigid body has collided with it ?
A work-around for this issue would be to create a trigger volume just outside of the BSP, where the collision will occur. You can use the trigger to call the sound. Is there any reason that you would need to use a BSP instead of a static mesh for this function? I may be able to find alternative solutions if you can give me more details.
Thank you,
We are using BSP for some parts of the map and static mesh for other parts .The main reason we are using BSP is that it makes building levels a bit easier.
If I added a trigger volume to call the sound would I have to create an event in Blueprint as well? At the moment it works automatically with Static mesh so I would prefer not have have to add extra events in Blueprint.
Would it work if there was a blocking volume on top of the BSP surface?
(On my laptop now so am unable to test my self)
You are correct that you can use blocking volumes in a similar way. You can set the collision of your blocking volume for whatever you like; by default it will block rigid bodies.
Another option would be to export your BSPs as fbx files, then import them as static meshes (you can even keep the applied materials). If you set the origin point of the exported/imported BSPs to 0, 0, 0 it will place them back in the location they were exported from. This is just a work around until you can replace your objects with their final meshes. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can assist you with.
Hi , I have had to revisit this problem . It was working with static meshes , but we could not get the lighting looking right so we have gone back to using BSP . I tried adding Blocking volume over the top , but the collision would not always register because there were two collisions happening at the same time.
Does anyone know another work around?