Right Mouse button is stuck in blueprint editor

I have tried this on two different machines with at least 5 different mouses. This is an Unreal bug. There have been several other questions on this topic and no one has been able to figure out the cause. The only time i am able to consistently reproduce the issue is by launching my project in the blueprint view port to my title screen where I have only UMG Buttons. After clicking on one of the choices and closing the project back to the unreal editor I cannot right click and drag to move around the blueprint editor and the selection square comes up instead. The only way to fix this is to completely close the editor and restart it. Has there been any more progress on fixing this bug?

Same problem here!

Same problem +1

Same problem ! Still no updates on this.
Edit: It happens after playing game in editor. (PIE)

no me funciona

Same for me.

Here are some notes in case it helps repro the bug:

  • I am running UE 19.2.
  • I load a project, open a blueprint or two and start working. (adding/deleting nodes, copy/pasting, attaching/unattaching, making variables etc). After a while suddenly the right mouse button brings up the selection box every time I right click (as well as the blueprint menu). I can no longer right click to scroll around a blueprint. I believe I have always run the project in PIE at some point before it happens, but I can’t swear to it.
  • This is happening frequently. (On some occasions this is more than once an hour).
  • A close and restart of the engine is the only way I know of so far to fix it.

I understand that this one might be difficult to repro, so perhaps someone could look into the related code regarding right-clicking in a blueprint window, and the right click and drag code etc? Perhaps they could see how this problem might occur?

Same problem

Experiencing the same issue in 4.19.2-4033788+++UE4+Release-4.19 on OS X. Seems to happen after running preview mode.

One alternative workaround: Open preview mode and try right-clicking, then hit ESC to quit. Worked for me at least once.

Confirmed this works in 4.20.3. Mahalo for that workaround @namuol!

Same problem! Everytime I right click in the editor it crashed immediately! Guys you need to fix this…everytime. I already sent the crash report.

same problem on unreal 4.27. Does anyone have a solution?

Same Problem in 5.3.2