Riegl/RiSCAN/e57 - import - intensity

I tried to import scans from Riegl exported from RiSCAN into e57 format. I have no pictures/color so I hoped I will be able to pick some GCPs in the intensity channel. But intensity values were somehow corrupted on the way from RiSCAN to RC. Any idea what did go wrong? Please see attached pictures.

Hi Grundmann

As I am looking at the RC screenshot, just use colors for easier orientation in the scanned data, so it will use FALSE colors.

Can you send us the data for inspection in E57 ( PTX possible or still not there ? ) format ? Just to make sure it is imported correctly. But from our test data from RIEGEL scanners (Riscann software used), it worked flawlessly…

I am using newest version of RiSCAN software and there is impossible to set any parameters while exporting. PTX is not possible (used to be)…
Here is one scan in e57.



Hi Grundmann

Can you contact me at milos.lukac@capturingreality.com ?