Rich text style "inheritance"

We should be able to define styles in a rich text stylesheet in a way that lets us specify only certain properties to override from the default. For instance, if I create a Default style that uses Roboto at size 24 with a particular shadow offset, etc., I would like to be able to create, say, a “Bold” style that “inherits” everything from Default and only overrides the Typeface to specify Bold. As it is now, as far as I can tell, if I want to do that, I have to duplicate my Default style and make my changes whenever I want another style that accomplishes this outcome. The obvious drawback to this is that if I change my mind about the style details that I want to use by default, I have to go through all my styles and manually make those changes one at a time.

Additionally, it would be nice to have nested tags, so that I could have <bold>some bold text here with <italic>further emphasis</> thrown into the middle</>, and not have to worry about creating all the possible style overlaps that I might need.

Agreed, coming from a web gaming background widgets and slate are painfully underdeveloped.

The closest solution I can find is to write a JS function that creates each combination of the desired tags for each supported font size and serializes them to a JSON file. That JSON can then be imported into an unreal rich text data table.

Doing this by hand is an extreme waste of resources.

Take the following example:

  • Font Sizes: 10, 16, 24
  • Colors: Silver, Gray, Amber, Red, Purple
  • Decorators: Bold, Underline, Italic, Subscript, Superscript

13 tags with a (hopefully maximum) subset of 6 in use at a time results in 1716 feasible combinations. Even limiting the subset to only 4 items (size, color, & 2 additional decorations) still comes out to 715 combinations that would need to be manually entered.

It is possible using C++, you need to:

  • extend FRichTextDecorator
  • override Supports & CreateDecoratorText
  • extend URichTextBlockDecorator
  • override CreateDecorator
  • Add your created class to Decorator Classes property of the RichText

Example for coloring text green with tag <profit>200€</>.

// header.h
#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/RichTextBlockDecorator.h"
#include "ProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator.generated.h"

class DUKES_API UProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator : public URichTextBlockDecorator

	UProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);

	virtual TSharedPtr<ITextDecorator> CreateDecorator(URichTextBlock* InOwner) override;


// content.cpp
#include "ProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator.h"

class FProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator : public FRichTextDecorator
	UProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator* Decorator;
	FProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator(URichTextBlock* InOwner, UProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator* InDecorator)
		: FRichTextDecorator(InOwner)
		, Decorator(InDecorator)

	virtual bool Supports(const FTextRunParseResults& RunInfo, const FString& Text) const override
		if (RunInfo.Name == TEXT("profit"))
			return true;
		return false;

	virtual void CreateDecoratorText(const FTextRunInfo& RunInfo, FTextBlockStyle& InOutTextStyle, FString& InOutString) const override
		InOutTextStyle.SetColorAndOpacity(FSlateColor(FLinearColor(0.0f, 0.7f, 0.0f)));
		InOutString += *RunInfo.Content.ToString();

UProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator::UProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer)

TSharedPtr<ITextDecorator> UProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator::CreateDecorator(URichTextBlock* InOwner)
	return MakeShareable(new FProfitMoneyAmountRichTextDecorator(InOwner, this));

It probably makes sense to only create one of these, then you could even build your own “class” system using tag metadata.
For reference see: Unreals Example FRichInlineImage class

More info here: