RICH TEXT BLOCK: How I can scale the Inline Image?

I’m trying to scale the inline image with “Stretch” (a.k.a. Scale?) but I always end up with this:

Yes I set things up properly and compiled. Just what am I missing and/or what am I doing wrong?

Did you try with a Scale box or Size Box after the Overlay wrapping your rich text ?

Did that. I know, Fill the Scale Box Horizontally and Vertically after the Size Box slot:

But I’m trying to scale the Inline Image THROUGH the Rich Text Block. But the “Stretch” doesn’t work.

Do I have to create my own modified Rich Text Block (as a plugin), to be able to do that? And where can I find it?

I see, you should be able to add parameters same as html img with width and height.

Tried again with width="1.75" and height="1.75". No changes.
The inline image keeps its size: 54 x 54. What could cause this?

Try width="94" and height="94"