Rich Text Block Highlight text


I am experimenting with different text widgets “Editable Text”, “Text Box”, “Editable Text Multiline”, etc. and I was wondering if there exists a text widget taht supports highlighting or changing size/color of some parts of the text.

E.g. a text widget that supports something of the sort:

A part of this text is very GREEN</>.

Is this possible? From other posts it seems that I have to use a “Rich Text Block” widget, but if that is the case where do I get a “Text Style Set” that a Rich Text Block requires? There doesn’t seem to be any "Text Style Set"s included in the default content browser.

You have to create a Text Style Set yourself.
Right click in the Content Browser → Miscellaneous → Data Table → select RichTextStyleRow → OK
Open the newly created asset and press Add to create a new row. Name the first row “Default”, it will be the default style. Name the following rows however you want, say “Highlight”. Setup the fonts in the Row Editor. Then in the RichTextBlock, use row names as tags:

"This text is default, but <Highlight>this part is green</>"


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Thank you! ^^

Hi there! If you want to change size/color in some parts of the text, you might be interested in checking Expressive Text.
You can easily customize text parameters just by tagging it with the designed syntax. It also comes with several other useful features.

If you have any questions, just give us a shout!