RibbonID not working with Custom Spawn Module

I’m trying to create a drawing mechanic with Niagara particles (UE 5.1.1). While the left mouse button is held down the Niagara System spawns Particles at the Mouse Location. I’m letting these particles be rendered by Ribbon Renderer as well. As long as I’m using the Spawn Rate Module to spawn the particles separating the ribbons for the individual pencil strokes by setting up the RibbonID works fine. But adding Particles with the Spawn Rate Module doesn’t allow me to have as much control over the spawning process as I would like. So I set up a custom spawner (courtesy of this post) to get the behaviour I want. But as soon as I’m switching from Spawn Rate to the Custom Spawn Module, separating the ribbons isn’t working (the RibbonID is still assigned properly, but the individual strokes are still connected).
Here is a video of the behaviour and a few secs of the custom spawn scratchpad.

Does anyone know what could cause the RibbonID separating to stop working like that? If not maybe another way to add Particles from Blueprint to the Emitter that allows for more control over spawning than Spawn Rate?

Just found out about the Spawn per Frame Module. I subsituted the Custom Spawn Module with that one and now the Ribbon separation works fine.

Another little update in case anyone wants to properly section ribbons via RibbonID and needs a Custom Spawn Module like me for whatever reason:

The ribbon is sectioned properly when “Interp Start Dt” in the “Make Spawn Info” node receives a value from DeltaTime.

I have no clue why that fixes the issue with ribbon sectioning but at least it works this way.

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