Rhino import with datasmith sets pivot to center without rotation

I need to export a complex hinge with a few different turning points that are turned differently in space. When i Import my 3dm file in unreal the pivots all get reset to the middle of the object and get rotated perpendicular to the world.
I tried to use set gimbal in rhino with no use.
I swapped the objects with Blocks and the pivots get placed on the right point but still with a world axis rotation. Is there any way to get a rotated pivot point from Rhino to Unreal?

did you try 3dm direct import in UE or the rhino exporter to udatasmith file and then import of that udatasmith file?

Could you share the model with me in private?

HI, I imported the 3dm file directly, have not tried the exporter yet. Is there a differenc in the files handling?

I can´t share the model but I can replicate the problem with some dummy gemometry and send it.

Yes the file handling will be different. Results should be quite similar though.
With the Exporter we are hooked in Rhino directly so easier to get access to information about the model.

If you can share the dummy model that would be great.

Hi, I have sent you the Model yesterday. Meanwhile I have tried the exporter but the problem remains the same. The Pivot snaps to the middle of the geometry. For now the only soloution is to use the modeling tools in UE5 and manually move the pivot but that is just a very rough workaround.

If anybody needs a workaround:
You can place a sphere at the highest point of your Axis, measure out the different Angles that it would need to rotate in order to be aligned with the axis you need. Then Import everything in Unreal, The Axis of the Sphere will center to the Sphere there. Manually turn the Sphere with the measured Angles to alling it with the axis you need and attatch all the following Objects as child objects on to the sphere. Uncheck “visible” in the details tab and everything should work.