I had googled all arround the internet, but I seem to be unsuccessfull to find anything about kill z functionality in c++. I would like to rewrite the kill z functionality that if player falls through ground let say becouse of some weird bug, I don’t want to kill him, but respawn/teleport him on the map again. Is there a way to do that?
We had a similar issue in our game and wrote a class that derives from the AActor that could then be used as our default actor class.
In this class we do a lot of our owns checks for things like the Kill Z. We then set the world settings Kill Z to be really low, and in the class, constantly check against that kill Z and have a function called when the object goes below. We can then respot here.
It’s not ideal, but the Kill Z seems to immediately begin the destruction of the object and up to yet I haven’t seen any ability to override it.
There is a virtual void AActor::FellOutOfWorld( const class UDamageType & dmgType )
that gets called when Kill Z get triggered.
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