Hi there,
I’m a newbie to UE5 but have relatively good experience with Revit. I’m struggling with replacing the Revit textures with UE5 texture that are scaled correctly.
For example I wish to replace a revit brick texture with an UE5 one. so i select and download something suitable from the mega scans library. The new texture is too small when dragged and dropped onto the element that’s been modelled in Revit (bricks are tiny - about 10mm across). However when the same texture is applied to a shape created in UE5 it appears to be sized correctly however there also appears to be no easy way of checking the sizing.
correct and proper scaling should be a basic and obvious feature of UE5 so I must be missing something obvious. If anyone can lend a hand, or point me to a tutorial or course video id be very grateful. as despite many hours of searching im none the wiser!
Thanks in advance.
If you’re just dropping a basic material onto a mesh, the UVs will determine the proportion and location of the textures.
Thanks for your response and the video, which was helpful to understand what UV’s are. Unfortunately, if didn’t help me all that much when trying to solve the problem.
If you’re just dropping a basic material onto a mesh, the UVs will determine the proportion and location of the textures. - thats exactly what im doing!
so is this not correct? can it be done this way? can you go into the master material in UE5 and change the scale?
Im not needing to texture a knights helmet(!) im just trying to apply a brick texture to a flat vertical plane, that is scaled correctly.
What I’m saying is, you have UVs that look ok in revit, but not in engine. That means, they’re too large, compared to typical engine UVs.
Bricks are a great example, everybody know roughly what size they should be. If you drag a brick material onto a simple mesh ( in engine ) and the bricks look tiny, the UVs are making them look tiny, that’s it, I’m afraid 
So you can adjust the engine material, or you can fix the UVs. Apparently ( never used it ), the UVs in revit are of a different size?
Default Blender UV
But if I scale the UVs
I get
These bricks would look twice as small.