Revision control is disabled, and will not let me save ANY progress HELP!!!

As you can see in the picture of the message log, UEFN cannot connect to revision control which prevents me from saving my progress on projects. I already tried running the Epic Games launcher as admin and it only worked for one session. Please someone help!!!

My simple suggestion would be to logout and log back in after a restart and see if it fixes itself.

It happens to me around 01:00 each night - i’m gonna guess the token has an expiry that doesn’t renew with activity.
The only solution I have found is to quit the program, and then on re-launch it will popup my default web browser… asking me to authenticate it again.

I have tried signing in using the various places within the app, and I have also tried the project Source Control commandline app (urc.exe)… but my only guess is to quit.

You have probably found that most windows lock you out of pressing “Save” - so the only option is often hoping you can still click the X on the main editor window (or Alt+F4).

Given that you can’t even roll-back or rebase, and there doesn’t seem to be a consistent prefabbing system for porting stuff OUT of a project or between levels - I REALLY don’t recommend enabling Unreal’s revision control and I regret enabling it on my projects. You will most likely get locked out of changes to your work at least once a day.

@DragonRage508 thanks for posting this. As @Hicsy mentioned this has to do with a token expiry after being logged into the editor for a long time.

You should be able to reauthenticate with the “login” button in the “Project” dropdown (with the island icon next to it) and then proceed with any of the syncing and checking in changes.

Can you provide a bit more context on not being able to save though? Which Save button (or shortcut) are you using that is not working. Are you getting a specific error when the trying to perform this save?

Also @Hicsy, though we don’t yet support rolling back to an older URC version within the UI, we recently published a document covering the URC CLI and have included there instructions on how to check in an older snapshot as the latest. You can find that document here. Hope that helps you in the meantime!

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@gxg_work thx! I didnt realise the “Get” function when I was trawling through --help :wink:

Re-Login occasionally breaks in the app. Only quitting / relaunch (which re-triggers a new web-auth / SSO token popup).

When it breaks, no save works. Some dialogs will then soft-lock the app (can’t exit window without saving, but can’t save, catch-22). Most have a “discard/cancel” option but some just dont work like that (ie working on a new unsaved level, or after hitting apply when editing a mesh but you were “logged-out” inbetween).

Alt+F4 is your friend because it seems to just grab all _externalactors i guess on next launch, rather than if you cancel i imagine it would revert your changes.

Thanks @Hicsy! Can you describe a bit what you mean that re-logging in “breaks the app”?

What happens when you try to log in? Is it that the editor freezes or that the login fails with an error?

I want to be sure to report to the appropriate team, but I haven’t been able to reproduce this yet myself.

None of the buttons to save my project work. It still says “X unsaved” at the bottom right, showing that any changes were not saved

Logging out and back in still does not work. Whenever I log into the editor through the project menu, the error message “Login failed” shows up in the message log in the “Revision Control” tab

I am also getting this error when I try to download/sync a project: “Installing project failed: Unreal Revision Control is not logged in (received invalid token).” I have already logged out and logged back in through the editor project menu and it still does not work

@DragonRage508 when you say “None of the buttons to save my project work.” can you clarify what is happening when you click one of them? Is there an error message? If so could you send a picture of it? Or is it just that nothing happens?

@DragonRage508 after you try to log into the editor through the project menu, is the button replaced by “Logout [Username]” instead of “Login”?

If the project menu is still showing “Login” the login was not successful and would explain why “Login failed” is still showing up in the revision control tab

No, it still says “Logout”. But I somehow just fixed it… I tried your method, and then clicked the “Open Creator portal” button through the project menu and signed into it through the internet explorer and that fixed it… very confused lol but im happy

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Hm ok thank you for confirming and glad you’re unblocked for now! I wonder if there is an issue with that login functionality that is occurring inconsistently as @Hicsy suggested.

Please let us know if you experience this again, and in the meantime we’ll keep investigating if there are any evident improvements we can make.

Thanks for your patience!


@gxg_work Actually, this is not resolved.
My very next commit after posting worked, and then UEFN’s VC immediately got logged out.
I was actively screenshotting the whole process because of how slow your VC is.

Here [screenshot] is the ONLY way to log back into VC once it boots you out - confirmed to 100% still be the case - the editor’s login buttons DO NOT WORK.