We’re seeing a bug with the sprites in our game. These sprites are rendered as billboard components inside a blueprint actor.
The foliage in the background is clearly visible through the sprites, even though the sprite textures themselves are fully opaque in those areas and the foliage should not be visible.
As you can see, my texture settings are all kosher, and the smiley image itself (alpha channel only shown below) is fully opaque in the middle, in the part where we’re seeing the foliage through it. Changing any combination of these properties doesn’t seem to fix the bug.
Here are the settings on the billboard component itself. Here, too, changing any combination of properties, or increasing the Translucency Sort Priority to 4 or 999 or whatever, doesn’t seem to fix the bug.
Also, we don’t modify them in any way other than calling “Set Sprite” to change the texture on the sprite.