Reviews shadow censorship? -> they are being censored

Edit: this is intentional, my one star reviews continue to be removed

I have been around on UE Marketplace since august 2022 and have always looked to the reviews before making any purchases and since then I have purchased a lot of assets from different creators some I refunded due to errors or no documenting (which is a marketplace rule for creators)

lately I have been noticing reviews with ------- -------- as their title and description started seeing this after question and reviews were removed but then put back, I took a look at the reviews I have left and only one of them has been censored (1 star rating for a laggy plugin)

the reviews rating doesnt indicate censorship of a certain rating, anyways here is some screenshots

Edit: unable to edit the censored review

I don’t know if you saw that other thread? They’re getting rid of the review system entirely, apparently… ( only keeping the stars )

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Hey there @Gimli_Gloin! The review system is undergoing a full overhaul. Originally the idea was to disable the whole thing while the changes were going down, and this was reversed, now there is a current moderation push to review many of the questions out in the system. You can read more lower in that thread here:

I’m not on the marketplace team, so I have no insight on if there was an error flagging posts that didn’t disagree with terms or not, but I can definitely look into it. I do know there was an intended crackdown on discord verifications as that was destroying review integrity.

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ah the damned discord and useless reviews, it should be common sense to keep it for its intended purpose… still a crackdown on such reviews should delete the review all together not change their titles and descriptions then disable further edits

as for changing reviews and such, on Artstation you have to be a creator to leave comments, perhaps a written review on Epic marketplace should be granted only to those who are also creators (or at least a few hundred hours spent in UE) while a non-written review is for non-creators.

Understandable! I’d recommend dropping a post in that thread as it’s been a wealth of community ideas on how the system could be improved/changed. As of now I believe the idea is to still “freeze” the questions system and retain the old ones to allow users to still read the older questions, but it should be shifting to a star only system. However things may change going forward!

@SupportiveEntity What are you going to do about review abuse? Namely 5 star reviews for Discord access & reviews made by the sellers themselves through another account, to “boost” the ratings?

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I don’t believe the team has revealed how the full overhaul is going to look functionally when it’s done, but they are aware of the discord reviews problem for sure.

This isn’t intentional moderation, this is a bug that happened to reviews that were left or updated while open text in reviews were taken down. You should be able to edit your post, though. If you can’t edit it to replace the lines of text, please create a ticket on our support site to help us troubleshoot the issue.

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Edit: this is intentional, another one star review I just posted has just been censored for the following asset: Motion - True First Person Character & Camera Template in Blueprints - UE Marketplace