Review process how long and what issues might occur?

Hi, I Submitted my page 8 days ago. What is the timeframe for the site to be reviewed. This is just the page no product moved to staging yet. Is there any issues or things i need to do? I submitted a support ticket already a few days ago and no response.

Thank you for your outreach and patience GWWashington!

We estimate the process should take about 1 week to complete.

Clearly your outstanding submission represents an exception that we have began to investigate and course correct. Please anticipate a response back to your private case with the submission outcome details.

Note you can reference this resource that documents what to expect during the publishing process journey here: Publishing Tools Workflow | Epic Online Services Developer

Hello again - updating this post to confirm that the review process for this product has taken longer than the standard review time due to certain identified feature support that requires additional rider signature before we can finalize the review. Please refer to the original case filed for more information regarding the circumstances.

Thank you again for your patience.