Hello to all!
I cannot apply a reverb effect to any scene in UE 4.27.2 .
Those are the steps I am taking:
- Import a sound wave file into UE.
- Place the sound wave into the scene.
- Be sure that Allow Spatialization is enabled and assign it a Sound Attenuation class with default parameters.
- Create a Reverb Effect and apply it to the World Settings.
I have tried in my current and other template projects (first person, third person, and empty), and none of them work.
Funny enough, those steps work in UE 5.0.3 in the Third Person and First Person templates, but they don’t in the Empty template. I thought I might need a pawn to make it work, but it did not after importing the Third Person content and possessing the BP_ThirdPerson_Character on Event BeginPlay.
I’ve seen others hinting at enabling the au.IsUsingAudioMixer to 1, but it did not work in my case.
Any help is appreciated, as I believe it is just an oversight on my part.