[REV SHARE] Writer/Game and Level Designer

My game design experience is in making Minecraft modpacks.

The first pack I made was back when making modpacks was hard, so getting YouTubers to play it wasn’t difficult.

Sadly, I made a couple of terrible mistakes; so it never really took off.
I named it ‘SkyMyst’ which made it sound nice and friendly which it definitely was not.

It was a hardcore pack, and I think some people may have been traumatized by the difficulty of it.

Also, the in-game guide was poorly written.
I’m embarrassed by it now, but I learned a lot from the experience.

My second pack was much better, but it was after Curseforge made making modpacks easy; so promoting it became much more difficult.

It got 10K downloads, but no YouTubers played it.

I pulled it down and redesigned it.
I’m really proud of it now.
I took everything I think sucks about Vanilla Minecraft and made it better.
There’s nothing else like it.

I tried explaining that to the children on Reddit and got banned from that sub-Reddit.
I created another account and got permanently banned from the site.

As far as writing goes…

Well, I’m 58 years old and that does matter.
I’ve got life experience.
Loads of it, even for my age.

I had a terrible childhood.
If you’ve ever heard the phrase “red-headed stepchild”, well I was literally that kid.
I spent a lot of time in the library trying to escape that life.

In the '80’s Wall Street sold off the US manufacturing and what do you know, manufacturing was my profession and I ended up homeless.

I’m on SSI and I live in subsidized housing now, but I haven’t given up.

Nietzsche said, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

Five years ago, I ■■■■■■ off my case manager at the time and she turned staff and management against me and they’ve been trying to force me out on the street ever since.

It came to a head a couple of months ago and the gave me a “30 day” notice saying they were going to evict me.

I told them to go ahead and I gave them a list of complaints I have that I would show the judge.

Now they’re trying to make peace with me, finally.

So yeah, more life experience, and in the process I’ve written literally thousands of emails to staff and management and anyone I thought might be able to help me.

My writing has improved dramatically.

I don’t want to make games about being homeless - anything but that!

But, if you do have a homeless aspect to your game I can tell you it absolutely is not a feasible alternative to paying rent, and I can explain why.

I am going to do cinematics about the homeless system though, and what’s wrong with it.

I’ve got time to help you with your game while I do that.

I like to laugh and comedy is my forte.

I’m a big fan of Lovecraftian horror and high fantasy, but beware, I’m very opinionated about rules and consistency of characters and disturbing imagery and lots of things really.

I’m not an atheist, nor do I subscribe to any particular religion.
I do believe there is more to life than just atoms and molecules and whatnot.

I’m also not “woke”.

I believe that “wokeism” is a response to the general feeling of oppression many of us have that is caused by an economic system that is unfairly tilted toward the benefit of investors.

Blaming the “white man” is both racist, sexist and just plain wrongheaded.

The problem is people who are obsessed with money, and use their wealth to tilt the system in their favor to gain even more wealth and power.

If you want to bring me onto your project you’re going to want to know these things about me.

I’m not here to debate or discuss any of this.
This isn’t the proper forum for that.