Looking for: Two C++ devs for UE & VR
Our talent: International team consisting of five C++ developers and two 3D modelers
We are working on a VR shooter game with many interesting game elements. We have a good team and doing well in terms of progress. Our plan is to finish MVP this Summer with the final version to be released by Winter 2024. Currently focused on Quest 2 / 3 devices.
The game takes place on the surface of random planets, and player has to survive enemy waves for a given time. There are several biomes, and respectively it leads to variation of enemy types (task for the first C++ dev). There are plenty of other additional tasks, especially related to exploring and trying new mechanics for the combat (task for the second C++ dev), and many tasks for non-combat levels . If it sounds interesting, I can share the GDD. About 25% of the game is finished. We are using Git & Jira. Two week long sprints.
About C++ Dev 1
The role requires you to think of enemy concepts and to implement them. Naturally, you will get support from us in all the steps. There will be variety of enemies. E.g. humanoid, animal, machinery (vehicle/tank), and etc. Some will be ranged - here the player has to avoid their projectiles. Some will get close.
About C++ Dev 2
We have a huge list of unrealized ideas. Since everybody is busy with core mechanics, we want one person to focus specifically on experimental features. For example, add random meteor shower that can damage the player.
General Requirements:
- Spend ~20 hours per week
- Strong commitment is a must
- Comfortable in UE
- Solid C++
- Own a VR headset (Quest 2/3) or willing to buy it (Quest 2) after the test period.
Length of project: Planning to release at the end of 2024
Split %: Performance based share
Contact method: dm me in discord rafig51