[Rev-Share] Developer needed for AEOLIADA, a 3D Action RPG about a Queen who cancels her enemies with a katana and greatsword

We are Arcanion, a young studio working on a 3D action RPG featuring a fast-paced combat system and high fantasy narrative for the Game Development World Championship.

In the game, the main character trains in Combat and Magic to achieve her goal of bringing Immortality into the earthly life. The gameplay will be story-focused and emphasize the key idea of overcoming the hardest obstacles on a way towards a cherished ambition or dream. The story is based on a series of unfinished fantasy adventure novels by our project lead.

Recently, we finished the game’s first-look trailer and now we’re looking for another UE programmer.

So far, the team consists of:

We’re expecting to release the game in May/June 2026.

This is a great opportunity to work alongside experienced programmers who have previously worked for Riot Games and Thales and exchange experience.

For managing the development process we’re using Azure DevOps, Trello and our Discord server, and the rev-share agreement is based on a contract outlining other important things like copyright, non-disclosure and limitation of liability.

If you’re interested, feel free to reach out to our project lead on Discord: garimitsu

Know beauty,


What is scope of this game?

  • single player or multi
  • open world os smaller levels
  • proceduraly generated maps or hand made
  • nanite or not,
  • new plugins like state machines, motion trajectory, or older ones and stable. Ie. upgrade unreal to latest rev because it has some new system or do not give into hype.
  • target hardware, steam, consoles, mobile, steam deck etc.

Just trying to judge scope/size of project.