reusing alignment

I seem to be encountering strange behavior with the processed detailed in the help file to be able to re-use alignment between projects.

I have followed the process of exporting the XMP etc…and for the most part I “think” its kinda working? but it never seems to reload any of the alignment relative to the ground plane settings I have created. For example they rotation around world zero is always different. The vertical placement is also always different. Which means I have to re-adjust the ground plane every time. The whole idea of re-using the alignment seems to be that I don’t have to do this every time.

What does seem to work is the scale of the scene and the importing of the reconstruction region does seem to load relative to the camera positions correctly. I just wish the cameras would load relative to the ground plane as well.

Am I doing something wrong? If not I highly recommend fixing this. Other competing programs do not have this limitation when re-using alignments.

Hi ganderson

And you are exporting the XMPs as DRAFT or LOCKED ?

locked…in fact I believe there was a post on this forum outlining the steps and I checked against that …but no difference.

Hi ganderson
use GCPs ( real world coordinates XYZ axis ) and the position will stay the same. The thing is if you align and export it, and reuse XMPs, the position is the SAME, it is just placed differently in the ground plane. But, as I have said, use GCPs and it will stick to same positions and you can adjust its position very precisely…

I tried using the GPC but it doesn’t seem to fix anything. sure enough the GPC come in aligned to the images in the same location (though to get it to work I have to import both CP and GPC data) … but the alignment of the scan is still off, rotated on all axis differently than the file I exported the data from.

some else that seems odd is the data in the csv file for the exported ground points…they all have hte same value, which seems odd?

Point0, 68.97977431487294, 0, -1.580150723457336
Point1, 68.97977431487294, 0, -1.580150723457336
Point2, 68.97977431487294, 0, -1.580150723457336

it does sort out my scale as long as I input the same distance value between the imported points. But it sure would be nice to lock it so the world space etc is all the same.

the docs aren’t super clear but is there a way to establish all the camera relationships to be the same? we have a static scanning booth and the cameras don’t move…I would love to calibrate a master set-up so world position and scale are always the same. Currently I just have to keep adjusting per scan and then again once I export in a third party app to make sure things are correct

actually I was wrong, its not the GPC thats helping scale its the xmps