fyi I made a method inside of a save game blueprint - its return value had same name as a local variable - which caused an assert/crash due to duplicate name
now I cant restart my editor without error - so I’ve had to trash my work on blueprint node.
I believe this is a known issue with 4.7 (UE-13855). Though we weren’t able to reproduce crash itself, Blueprint wouldn’t compile. Just to be sure; this occurs when you name a function’s output same as a variable or local variable in Blueprint? If so, this is fixed for 4.8 because function won’t let you give same name to an output as an already existing variable, and vice versa (similar to how input prevents you from doing it).
If you’re seeing something different, please let us know and include crash log for your project. Otherwise, you’ll see this fixed in 4.8. Thanks!
it was a local variable - awesome cant wait for 4.8
I should also mention this was in a blueprint derived from save game - I’ve noticed some different behavior here - i.e if I have a array of things say in my controller blueprint, I can easily edit my defaults - but from my save game class every time i change something, it collapses tree of nodes making it very frustrating