Hey Everyone,
I’m looking for individuals experience with Unreal Engine to join a small group of us who want to create a social game or online chat community. Back in the day, we called these MMOCC’s. The genre has faded but is not dead! There is a large open market for the type of game we have imagined, and we’ve got the necessary contacts to build, and market such a game. However, our resources are limited right now, and I’d love to find more people who would like to support this project and help develop it.
We’ll likely be using a server architecture service called GameSparks for this project, which will make this a lot easier. Primarily I am looking for individuals who can create blueprints or have programming knowledge, and possibly MySQL knowledge although GameSparks uses NoSQL, basic knowledge of databases could help. Although whatever your skills, please let me know if you’d like to help as well.
About Me
I am an individual who has aspired to develop great games for many years. Where I was located 5 years ago was extremely limiting as there was no industry for Game Dev and no way to learn it except online. I played a relatively large part in the social game community back in the day, having worked with developers of Habbo Hotel, and a couple other online chat communities, including my own, which I made first in Flash and then Re-Made in Unity. Though, having had 3000 registered players I had to shut that project down as it was too costly to run and maintain at the time. Since then I’ve moved, and graduated with a Game Development Diploma. I’ve made numerous contacts in the industry including key individuals who can help create and promote this game. I’ve got the background knowledge of this genre to help design and create the next generation of virtual world, social game.
About The Game
I’m going to keep the details fairly limited here, but I have a good idea of what we need to develop. I’m looking to create a next generation social game, a virtual community for people who play games and want to interact with their friends in a new, more fun way, than just on social media networks like facebook, twitter, and twitch.tv.
I’ve got a few others interested in working on this project, if you’d like to join in the discussion, please let me know
Note Thread title says unpaid, however I’m willing to make contracts for you to be paid later once the game is released. You’ll also be fully credited for any work you do. I mainly put unpaid as I am looking for enthusiastic collaboration as opposed to people who just want to work for pay Thanks