Retargeting system


I am creating this subject to share with you a problem with the UE5 retargeting system.
I would like to have a better understanding about ue5 retargetting system while a model has already a lot of system link on his skeleton ( animations, datatable, abp, …).

As Technical Animator, i would like to update the skeleton characters during the production but i want that my changes are “invisible” for other teams.


So I created a new skeleton ( bones Hierarchy has been changed ) and i retargeted all the animation sequences and animation Montages from the old to the new one. But finally when i use the retarget option on the Animation blueprint, nothing works properly. The new ABP is created with the new skeleton but all animations inside still the old one from the old skeleton. ( For information, i didn’t manage the Abp, an animator did)

1- Are there solutions to avoid this retargeting result, or to avoid reconnecting all the right animations by hand?

2- What are the good guideline/practice to update a skeleton (inner hierarchy) while this asset is in production ?

Thank you so much for your answers !

Hey @Wofrix! Welcome to the forums!

So the skeleton’s bones will need to be modified in another program such as Blender or Maya and reimported. You should learn the hierarchy for the UE5 skeleton and make sure the bones have the exact same setup in order to minimize issues with retargeting.

Regarding the ABP, you have to retarget the animations themselves to that new skeleton. You can do so by highlighting them all and right click > retarget. You’ll want to have a space to put them as it will create new copies of the animations. :slight_smile:

Here’s some documentation! Give it a read and see if it will help!

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Hello @Mind-Brain ! Thank you for your answer !

For the ABP retargeting, i already retargeted all animations of the character using IKRig and IKRetarget System. The bigest issue here is :
When i retargeting the ABP file UE create me an other copy of the ABP with the new skeleton as i want, but it doesn’t replace animations inside ( sequences, montages, blendshapes, … ) by the retargeted one.

So i need to replace all of them manually. And as i explained i didn’t manage the ABP, so it’ll take lot of time, and it can may be break some stuff.

This issue comes from something that i did wrong or because we need to retarget the ABP differently ?

NB: Process that i did:

  • created IKRig for both skeleton
  • created IKRetargeter
  • Retarget all animations ( sequences, montages, blendshapes…)
  • Retarget ABP ( right click > retarget )

Okay then! To clarify, yes, you will need to replace the old animations with the new ones within the ABP :frowning: Sorry, but that’s just how it is right now. Maybe in the future, but as of right now there is nothing native to UE that will achieve this.

Thank you so much to clarify that. It helps a lot to understand more about that :slight_smile: .