Hi this is a script that retargets skeleton translations.
If community takes interest in this ill extend it further.
Step:1 Create base rig skeleton (A-Pose/T-Pose) press first button.
Step:2 Import Animation (see all the translations get messed up) click button 2.
-Writes the base skeleton translations to a file
-Gets current Time
-Sets time range
-Retargets the translations to imported animation
-Bakes all keys
-Sets root to 0 0 0
-Ignores Pelvis joint & IK joints
-no need to select anything button does everything
// /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$$ /$$ //
// | $$ /$$/ | $$ |__/|__ $$__/ | $$ //
// \ $$ /$$//$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$ | $$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$| $$$$$$$ //
// \ $$$$//$$__ $$|_ $$_/ | $$ | $$ /$$__ $$ /$$_____/| $$__ $$ //
// \ $$/| $$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$| $$$$$$$$| $$ | $$ \ $$ //
// | $$ | $$_____/ | $$ /$$| $$ | $$| $$_____/| $$ | $$ | $$ //
// | $$ | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/| $$ | $$| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$ //
// |__/ \_______/ \___/ |__/ |__/ \_______/ \_______/|__/ |__/ //
// //
// /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$ //
// /$$__ $$ | $$ | $$|__/ //
// | $$ \__//$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ //
// | $$$$$$|_ $$_/ | $$ | $$ /$$__ $$| $$ /$$__ $$ /$$_____/ //
// \____ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$| $$ | $$| $$| $$ \ $$| $$$$$$ //
// /$$ \ $$ | $$ /$$| $$ | $$| $$ | $$| $$| $$ | $$ \____ $$ //
// | $$$$$$/ | $$$$/| $$$$$$/| $$$$$$$| $$| $$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$/ //
// \______/ \___/ \______/ \_______/|__/ \______/ |_______/ //
//YetiTech $tudios //
//Retargeting Script v1.0 2016 //
//by Nikhil Jeewa (â—£_â—¢) //
window -width 150;
columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
button -l "Write Base Joints" -c "writeTranslate";
button -l "Retarget Translation Joints" -c "retarget";
//write base joints translations to file
proc writeTranslate(){
select -cl;
int $fileq=`file -q -ex "C:/YetiTech/Retarget.txt"`;
if ($fileq==0){
sysFile -makeDir "C:/YetiTech";
fopen "C:/YetiTech/Retarget.txt";
string $joints]=`ls -type joint`;
select -r $joints;
string $filepath="C:/YetiTech/Retarget.txt";
$baseJoints=`fopen $filepath "w"`;
for ($xyz in $joints){
float $pos [3] = `xform -wd -q -t $xyz`;
fprint $baseJoints ($xyz+" "+$pos[0]+" "+$pos[1]+" "+$pos[2]+"
print ($xyz+" "+$pos[0]+" "+$pos[1]+" "+$pos[2]+"
fclose $baseJoints;
print "Base Translations written to file C:\YetiTech\Retarget.txt";
//retarget base skeleton translations
proc retarget(){
select -cl;
playbackOptions -e -playbackSpeed 1;
int $lastFrame=0;
int $key;
string $jKeys]=`ls -type joint`;
for ($j in $jKeys){
$key=`findKeyframe -ts -w last $j`;
if ($key>$lastFrame){
playbackOptions -min 1 -max $lastFrame;
print ("last frame: "+$lastFrame+"
//get current time
for ($i=1;$i<=$lastFrame;$i++){
currentTime $i;
print ("Current Time: "+$i+"
print "Translations have been retargeted";
//retarget keys
proc setKeys(){
string $filepath="C:/yetitech/Retarget.txt";
$baseTrans=`fopen $filepath "r"`;
string $nextLine=`fgetline $baseTrans`;
while (size($nextLine)>0){
string $jointXYZ=strip($nextLine);
$nextLine=`fgetline $baseTrans`;
print ($jointXYZ+"
string $array];
$array = stringToStringArray($jointXYZ," ");
string $jName=$array[0];
float $x=$array[1];
float $y=$array[2];
float $z=$array[3];
select $jName;
if ($jName=="pelvis"||$jName=="foot_root"||$jName=="ik_foot_l"||$jName=="ik_foot_r"||$jName=="ik_hand_root"||$jName=="ik_hand_gun"||$jName=="ik_hand_l"||$jName=="ik_hand_r"){
print ("joint skipped");
}else if ($jName=="root"){
setAttr root.translateX 0;
setAttr root.translateY 0;
setAttr root.translateZ 0;
setAttr ($jName+".translateX") $x;
setAttr ($jName+".translateY") $y;
setAttr ($jName+".translateZ") $z;
fclose $baseTrans;