Retargeting Skeleton to VR Model created with Oculus Medium doesnt fully work

Hey Guys

Since I few days I am trying to animate a model which was created in VR with Oculus Medium. The Animation was recorded with the motion capture software “Ikinema”. Unfortunatly I didnt get the full result I wished.
I Imported the Modell into Blender, rigged it with the same hierarchy as the Skeleton from the Ikinema Software. I exported it as a fbx. file and reimported it into unreal engine. (under the import options of UE4 I selected the Use T0As Ref Pos, other then that I left everything to standart settings)
I gave it the same Rig as the Ikinema Skeleton in the Retarget manager of UE4. I right clicked on the animation I had recorded with Motion Capture -> “Retarget Anim Assets” -> “Duplicate Animation Assets and Retarget” and selected my imported skeleton of the new Mesh. It changes the skeleton and animates the new Mesh.
For some reason, some part of the mesh always “stays” on the ground / and streches the mesh. Also some of the bones are out of the Mesh when its animated. (Pictures below)
I used this tutorial for for Rigging in Blender and importing it into
Does anybody know why this could be?!?

When I set up the skeleton in Blender, I made sure to always extrude the bones and adjusted them on the X / Y / Z axis, so they are straight.
I converted the Mesh into a lowpoly Mesh and tried it with different settings but it doesnt make a difference.

I also tried to change the “Translation Retargeting” options of my initial skeleton (Animation / Skeleton / Animation Scaled) but it did not make a difference.

Any help would be very much appriciated!