Retargeting Montages

I don’t know if we can call this a bug… I was trying to retarget my animations to the new UE4.9 character, by right clicking on my character ALCS_HeroTPP_AnimBlueprint, and choosing “Retargeting Anim Blueprints”. The problem is that the engine is not retargeting the Montages that I call inside the AnimBlueprint. I have to go there, retarget the montages manually and then change it inside the new created AnimBlueprint.
It would be great if the engine could retarget the montages as well.

Hi ,

Please zip and send your project (or migrate just the assets in questions to a blank project) in order to expedite the diagnosis process. If the file is small enough, you can simply attach it here. Otherwise, send it to me via dropbox in a private message through our .


Hi .

You can use my ledge Climbing system inside marketplace. And you can even see how I am retargeting the animations for the new character here on this video. It shows also that I have to retarget the animmontages separeted and change them inside the Play AnimMontage nodes, inside the retargeted animblueprint.

Hi ,

I have entered the following feature request per your description: JIRA [UE-23823] “Retarget Referenced Montages within a Retargeted AnimBlueprint Automatically.” Should this feature be implemented, we will update this post to notify you and the Answerhub community.

Thank you for your feedback regarding what you would like to see added to UE4 to make it even better.


This feature has been added for a future release of the Engine.