Retargeting Issue / Character way up in the air and way too much rootmotion

I have a problem with my blender to unreal workflow. If I import a rigged skeletal mesh into unreal engine 5.5 (5.4 as well), the character looks fine, the bone hierarchy is similar to what it should be.

I create an ik rig with the appropriate chains, set pelvis as the retarget root. The problem starts when I get to the ik retargeter. When only my character is in there it looks fine, but as soon as I add the source, in this case Quinn, suddenly mine is up in the air, aorund 50m high. I set the root to be globally scaled, so the animations dont look like as if my character is being swung by a rope, but the root motion is incredibly exaggarated.

When alone in the retargeter:

When Quin is the source:

Skeleton tree of my character:

The amount of root motion:

as a sidenote: If I rename the armature to “Armature”, unreal doesnt create an extra parent bone in the skeleton, but my anymations get incredibly distorted.

Do any of you have an idea what went wrong with the import, or where the problem could have arose from? It is an MB_Lab character, made in blender 2.83.

Also, i see a lot of contradicting info about it online, could someone recommend me the necessary fbx export and import settings when working with blender? (also, if I should set the units to cm, or the scal to .01)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (Also I created my own armature in blender, and ran into the same issue, so I dont think it’s MB lab related. Possibly I am messing up the export or import at some point)

Also had the same thing happen here with character being way up in the sky until about five minutes ago.

Turns out it’s the blender scene scale thing. It used to be when you imported with the scale you’d see it in the scale of your object in the scene.

Do what he does here to your rig in blender: