Retargeted Animation's Root Motion doesn't work in UE5.1.1...

Hello, I just used MMD Model for Retargeting UE5 Mannequin.
And after retargeting some animations, their root motion doesn’t work at all.

I checked both case the original animation asset’s Enable Root Motion and Force Root Lock options are checked or not.


And also confirmed Retargeted root's Translation Mode set to Globally Scaled



and.. the skeleton's Translation Retargeting to Animation Scaled either.


But In Retarget Editor, I can see original animation's root motion state feedback is taken good in Preview Panel.



but after Export Animations, Enable Root Motion and Force Root Lock options are totally have no effects…


I don’t think this issue stems from the difference in bone rig hierarchy, but i really have no idea about this.

Can somebody help me with this…? :cold_sweat:

I just figured out that the Model which is imported by Blender, its Root bone is always the Armature itself. Not the “Root” named bone.

And i changed the IK Settings like below:

Now Root Motion is enabled correctly :grinning:

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