All of the animations look like they correctly transfer inside the IK retargeter when i preview the animations. And i’ve created an animation blueprint using Retarget Pose from Mesh and passed along the Source Mesh which i have retrieved on Event BluePrint Animation. I can confirm that the source mesh is indeed being passed along by printing its display name at runtime. But the animBP is not actually outputting the pose, it is just using the T pose. Which is not even the reference pose specified in my IK retargeter. It is like it is not using the IK retargeter at all. Is the problem with the animation blueprint or did i miss a step in the retargeting process?
Have you tried the “Used Attached Parent” in the settings for “Retarget Pose From Mesh”?
yeah that wasn’t the problem but i did solve it a while back.
the issue was that i left the pose adjustment on by accident. you have to turn it off or the whole thing breaks
Im having the same issue, but cant seem to find any pose adjustment setting, are you talking about the edit pose button inside the retargeter?
I have the same issue. How did you resolve the problem?
again, it allows you to adjust the retarget pose but if you leave the edit retarget pose button on, it breaks the rig while the edit mode is active. it will start working once you turn it off again.
If it doesn’t work for someone despite “Use Attached Parent”, select the parent mesh and change the “Visibility Based Anim Tick Option” property to “Always Tick Pose and Refresh Bones”
Thank you so much for you answer, I solved this by disconnecting the input mesh for RetargetPoseFromMesh node, and make sure the UseAttachedParent option is checked.
Pretty strange in my case, I use the same blueprint for my player character and ai character, my player character has retargeted animations but the ai character has no retargeted animation at all(Keep the init pose all the time).
Maybe there is someting wrong with the RetargetPoseFromMesh node, in some cases it will ignore the input mesh, so just give no input mesh to avoid this.
Edit: for anyone met this problem, note that just set the input mesh to null will not avoid this problem, you should DISCONNECT the input mesh.
Someone buy this mf a cape. I’ve been googling for two hours.