Retarget animations to model from Mixamo

I downloaded a character model from Mixamo, and I need to Retarget this model to my animations that I did based on the Dummy that is in the default UE. How to do it? I try to use retarget manager, and result very creppy

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Hey @Metallic_emperor!

So Mixamo and UE5’s base mannequin use different skeletons, there isn’t a way to retarget and it not get messed up.

There are tools on the UE Marketplace that will do all the work for you, otherwise you will have to go through and fix them bit by bit, little by little, extending bones and shortening them…
Or remake the animations using the UE4 mannequin (Free on the UE Marketplace) and place the mixamo model on that :slight_smile:

Hi there @Metallic_emperor, hope you’re well!

This topic has been moved from International to Character & Animation.

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Thanks and happy developing! :slight_smile: