I have imported a skeletal mesh from Blender into UE4 4.6.1.
I have followed the tutorial on Animation Retargeting (Different Skeletons) and then ultimately retargeted an animation to my imported skeletal mesh.
The problem is when I open the animation copy (retargeted version) the target mesh itself is tiny, although it is correctly animated.
I had the same problem initially importing the blender skeletal mesh (it being tiny after import) and had to scale it up (x10) as part of the export to FBX.
Is UE4 losing the scaling somehow? Have I missed a step?
Im still trying to get this figured out, i can get them in at the right size, but once animated they still shrink down to 1/100th of the scale. i swear ive tried everything ive found on the subject…
Wow thank you for the speedy response and help!
Yes i am using Blender, and not using the fbx converter, i was exporting them from blender directly.
On that doc that you just posted, it says this:
Certain objects added via Blender’s Add menu (Shift + A) will not be up-to-scale, such as Cameras, Empties, Armatures, or Text objects. These must be manually scaled up x100 if you have a need to use them. (be sure to apply the scaling with Ctrl + A > Scale, especially for Armatures!)
it seems that thats what is happening, the armature seems to be small and the mesh large, although when viewing the skeleton its at normal scale, doesnt shrink until the animation is retargeted, i can scale everything up in the character BP, but that causes a bunch of other problems.