Restored Project, error

Hi friend im a user of reality capture

Unfortunately I had deleted my project, after the recover, My files open, but the photos are not all good,some are lost, I would like to export my model that looks good but gives me an error, is there a way to restore the project?

Thank you very much

can you add there more information?
How did you delete the project? What do you mean that not all photos are good or lost? What error are you receiving?

It was my mistake, I deleted the whole project folder, then I recovered it with software, but some photos are corrupted, they have no information…
When I export the model I get this message

Have you tried that model integrity check?
I am afraid that there is no way to recover that project completely and you will need to create a new one.
Maybe it would be possible to use the actual alignment, but for that you will need to have all used images.

OK thanks