I’m sorry for bothering you people with stupid question, but I’m getting frustrated by AI. I don’t know how to make him restart, even I have read all posts about that, and I know that I should connect Restart Logic with Brain component and AI controller, but I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
Here is the picture of my EnemyController.
I dont know about the restart logic nodes you’re posting up there. I never use them
What are you trying to accomplish? You want your AI to start a BT… then stop doing that BT… then start it again at some point?
Seems pretty standard. What is your trigger to start / stop? other than on begin play?
Is it when the AI sees a player it starts. when the player is out of range it stops?
Sounds like you should be doing this in the BT itself. Run the BT as you’re doing there and also choose use blackboard there but dont use anything else.
In the BT, on your line that does stuff, the sequence where it follows or chases or whatever it does, right click and add a decorator. Choose IsSet. And choose the blackboard value that its chasing… when that value is set it will do that… when that value is cleared it will stop doing it.
You can clear the value any number of ways… can be done in the BT with a task or in the AI’s characterBP with a trigger like tick event that checks distance to the player its chasing etc… use Get blackboard → clear value
Its difficult to answer the question when theres no context fyi.
good luck.
Okay, first of all, thank you a lot for your answer and detailed explanation. I was frustrated with that two nodes in particular, STOP LOGIC and RESTART LOGIC, especially second one, because I was able to find out how to use Stop logic, unlike the Restart logic node of which I gave up, and found other ways how to do what I meant to.
I just wanted to respawn my AI at death of my character. Eventually I found very useful Teleport node and, because I don’t have much experience, I teleport my AI to his initial location at my characters death.
But either way, as you said, I will certainly play with BT and decorators, at this moment I only have couple of tasks in my BT.
Thanks again thankstipscom.