Ressources to better understand Blueprint & object communication

I’m still learning UE and while I’m now able to build some basic blueprints I’m still struggling very much with getting a grasp on how blueprint-to-blueprint communication works, what the proper ways are to call other functions and classes and very much everything else that has to do with calling/integrating functionality that is defined “somewhere else”. I guess I’m just missing a bigger understanding of how “everything” works together and what I can access in what way. So: Can you recommend any tutorials/videos/assays/courses that could help me better understanding these basics?

Because right now I’m just using trial and error making a big mess and I’m sick of it. I want to learn how to do it properly and the basic UE documentation/introduction doesn’t seem to be enough for me :slight_smile:

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Check out the 3 links in this post:

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In the most simplest of terms communication requires a reference to the other actor/component (class). To really grasp communication between classes you need to understand class inheritance. Every class derives from a Parent class. Most commonly an Actor (Actor Object Reference).

Take for example the First and Third Person Template Characters. If you walk the inheritance chain backward you would end up at an Actor.

Actor → Pawn → Character → Your Specific Character Class

Hit results (Hit Actor) && Overlaps (Other Actor) are explicitly generic Actor Object References.

If you want to call a Custom Event/Function or get/set custom variables you’ll have to cast to the specific class.

Blueprint Interfaces (BPI) is a lighter weight bridge for function based communication that does not require casting. You just need to create specific functions in the BPI. Then implement them in the specific class.

Note, ONLY the class using the BPI functions (pic 2 & 3 below) needs to implement the interface in class settings.

Classes calling the BPI messages Do Not need to implement the BPI.

Then there’s Event Dispatchers which require class specific references (casted or get all actors of class) and Binding a delegate. This is mainly used for Many to One or One to Many communication.

A “One to Many” example would a be light switch that controls many lights.

In the above code EACH light Actor would get a reference to the Light Switch class and Bind Events to its Dispatchers.

Interacting with the Light Switch would execute the Toggle on/off events which calls the appropriate Event Dispatcher. This is essence broadcasts Turn Lights Off/On and any class that’s has a binding for those events will execute local logic.

A more practical approach would be having the ability to designate specific lights to specific switches.

Add an Actor Tag to the Light Switch instance, then use that tag in a Get All Actors of class with Tag node.

Here are DOC references to review.