Response to Custom Trace Channel not working UE5.1 C++

I have a custom trace channel which is set to ignore by default and have created a C++ class with a static mesh component in it as follows:

MeshComp->SetCollisionResponseToChannel(ECC_EngineTraceChannel2, ECR_Block);

The problem is that when I created a BP class based off of this parent class, it remains as Ignore. I have to physically change the Collision Preset to Custom and then change the trace channel response to Block, and the response works fine with the line trace but I want this to happen by default.

Am I missing something here? Did I forget a step?

Where are you calling SetCollisionResponseToChannel() from?

Is the C++ class that you mention the base class of your BP?

How are you creating the Mesh Component?
Are collisions enabled?

This is how I usually do it in C++.

	component->SetCollisionResponseToChannel(ECC_Ground, ECollisionResponse::ECR_Block);