Could you please be a bit clearer on what you are trying to achieve? I don’t fully understand what the intended outcome is. Also, could you post some screenshots of the projectile class too?
Yes sure! i just wanna create a projectile like FPS template but my projectile don`t collide and pass through environment mesh. I tryed all type of collision in projectile blueprint but nothing is happening.
When my projectile collide with environment mesh my character respawn automatically at the level start like a level restart, now i resolve this issue simply adding a “Projectile” in Collision Preset → Object type. (but i wanna know why that happened if is possible)
But now i wanna make that my projectile have collision when hit the environment mesh and vanish after 2 second, if it hit an another player, make damage and vanish immediately.
Thanks for your helping!
Before I go more in-depth to this question, I’ll just suggest a few common fixes for this problem. If they don’t work, I’ll try to recreate your problem and fix it.
Possible Fix:
Step 1: Make sure all meshes in your environment have “Generate Overlap Events” ticked
Step 2: Set your Sphere component to overlap all dynamic
Step 3: In the event graph, try using OnComponentBeginOverlap for the Sphere component instead of the Event Hit node (Connect a print string node to the OnComponentBeginOverlap to test if overlaps are working)
If you want the rock to bounce off the wall, I will have to test it in the editor as overlaps won’t do the trick for that(which i am completely fine doing)
I tryed but the result is the same, the rock don`t collide and restart the level. I put the print string node and generate “Hello” string 3/4 time after collision.
just one more simple solution i thought of: have you tried duplicating the first person projectile and replacing the mesh with the rock? Because the First Person Template projectile sounds like it does exactly what you are asking for
Yes, i tried to change the mesh of fps projectile and it does work well, I also tried to create a new projectile with the same details of fps projectile but doesn’t collide. I could use the fps projectile in my project but I prefer make a new projectile because I want understand why it doesn’t work.
That thoroughly confused me. When you use the FPS projectile, it works fine, but if you copy it EXACTLY the same, it doesn’t work? Are you sure you have the Hit event, projectile motion (should bounce and other details the same) and collisions the same? If you could, it would help if you sent me a download link to your project so that I can test in it as it seems your problem is quite specific to your project, as I recreated the FPS projectile in the third person template, and it still works, even with another mesh.
P.S. If you don’t want to post it here where anyone could download it, I completely understand that too. If you can think of some way to send it to me directly that would work. I won’t keep it any longer than necesary or share it at all.
Sorry but i cant share my project because is not only mine but i found a solution after an intuition, I just set the collision sphere like a root. I dont know why but it worked. Probably because the sphere was parented with root (master), and the root change tipe of collision. Im not sure about this because root doesnt have a collision parameters.