Respawn local multiplayer

Hello, i would like to do blueprint local multiplayer respawn, i have problem in the possess whith the get player controller, i dont know how differentiate the player 1 and player 2, becose if i kill the player 1 and in my get player controller mi player index is 0 work fine, but if i kill the player 2 he respawn but in the screen of the player 1 and controlled by the player 1.
if someone help me i will appreciate it

I am not sure what is the exact issue, as you Haven’t described it in details. But there is a good tutorial I followed for my game, and it works fine. Sweap through the videos until you find how they handle respawn.

How it works, is that pawn keeps reference to the PlayerController. Then when Pawn is destroyed, it tells PlayerController that it’s being destroyed and then PlayerController respawns and reposseses it. This is how I do it in my game when car is flipped and have to be respawned. Works in SplitScreen and with Online Multiplayer.

thanks, i will try :slight_smile:

your a SAINT! Having this same problem with a smash bros - like game.

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