Hi everyone!
I would like to respawn enemies by keeping track of how many there are currently in the map, and if 10 or less remain then they respawn.
Currently my actor is created this way and logically it seems correct to me, what do you think I’m doing wrong?
Currently the respawn happens just a couple of times then they never reappear.
They will appear on the spawn node directly. There’s no need for any of those wires or casting. This will also make their new values immediately available in the Construction Script which the children can still override as needed.
Thank you!!!
It works perfectly, unfortunately I hadn’t used delegates until today so I had to do a little research about it.
At the beginning it gave me “none access trying to” because I’m spawning AI actors so the output node was on pawns, so I had to reuse a cast to enemy base to convert from Pawn to Actor (I guess?).
If there is a more functional alternative to the cast or simply if you think I haven’t understood the real problem (which is very likely) please feel free to suggest.