When using the VR template, I notice that I can teleport, and I can rotate the little blue arrow widget with the vive trackpad. However, after teleporting, I am still facing the direction I was facing prior to the teleport. The little blue arrow does nothing to change the direction of the camera after the teleport - making the teleport pretty much useless for my purpose.
I’m not sure if this was always the case - I seem to remember that the arrow was indicating the direction the player would face after the teleport. So I’m guessing I broke something.
I already re-installed UE4 but it’s still the same, and I’ve looked through all of the VR template blueprints trying to change this, but I’m totally new to blueprints so I’m at a loss.
I’m doing a small project for university, and I want the player to mostly move around by arm swinging and actually walking. I already found a nice arm swinging blueprint, so that’s working. But I still need the teleport so that the player can turn around irl, but then also rotate his position ingame, so that he can keep walking forward in VR. For that, I already managed to adjust the teleport range to only a few inches, so that walking irl is actually faster than teleporting. But I absolutely do need the teleport to work like I described. Arizona Sunshine has the same teleport mechanic iirc.
TL;DR: How can I change the VR template blueprints so that after teleporting, the player faces the direction the little arrow was indicating, instead of the direction the player was facing prior to the teleport?
You might want to try and follow what the teleport actually does. It sounds like it is just setting the location of the Controller/Pawn/Character, instead of both location and rotation. Try searching for where the players location is set after a teleport and also set the rotation to what you want as well.
I tried that, but since I’m totally new to blueprints I’m lost. Do I look in the Motion Controller Pawn BP?
The funny thing is, I’m pretty sure it used to work, so why did re installing UE4 and opening a fresh template not fix it?
This answer is for anyone else that finds this question in a Google search. The problem only occurs if you lift your finger completely off the touchpad when teleporting. The template has the DisableTeleporter node in the MotionControllerPawn after the teleport fade delay. DisableTeleporter is responsible for setting IsTeleporterActive to false and TeleportRotation variable is continuously updated while IsTeleporterActive is true. This means that if you lift your finger completely off the touchpad or your thumbstick re-centers during the teleport fade time the Teleport Rotation variable will still be updated before DisableTeleporter is executed and the rotation will reset to forward before the teleport is executed.
To fix this I just moved the DisableTeleporter node to be before the StartCameraFade node in the MotionControllerPawn blueprint. This will prevent further updates to TeleportRotation as soon as the Input Released event occurs instead of after the CameraFade ends.
another and a bit more easily understandable solution is to just add a test for “IsTeleporting” to the MotionControllerPawn Event Graph (see screenshot). So if the pawn has started the teleportation just don’t update the rotator TeleportRotation anymore.