Resolved Aim Offset, please help?

Hey all,

I am having a rather curious problem. I have followed all of the tutorials I could find on Aim Offsets, I even watched all the videos I can find and everyone else seems to be having an okay time with Aim Offset.

My problem is this. I have created a custom character, with a rig, fully textured, and the animations I need for the Aim Offset. When I go to set this up, it looks perfectly fine in Persona, but in my animation blueprint my character squishes down like a pancake after I set up a single variable for pitch and the aim offset in the Animation Blueprint the issue occurs before and after I compile the Blueprint, and it all happens after I enable Mesh_Space Offset or anything else that has additives, when the character doesn’t have additives, she looks fine. This problem has been annoying me for quite some time, can someone please help me with this?

I am using Unreal Engine 4.3.


Anyone? Any ideas?

Hi! Could you share a few screenshots of your Animation Sequence, AimOffset, Animation Blueprint and Character Blueprint setups containing the aimoffset relevant parts? Cheers.

My character blueprint graph is empty, the only thing I have is the components to make the character work.

Try removing the Additive setting on your Idle and Run animations by setting them to AAT_None (No Additive). Only set them on the aimoffset poses.

Ah thanks! Well, that seems to have fixed the squishing problem, now she isn’t aiming properly which is weird.

Is there something I need to to do in here?

Yes, you need to read the pitch value from your character and set it into the Pitch variable within your anim blueprint on every update event. You can use the Controller’s pitch to drive the aimoffset - refer to this section from the content example Section 1.10 in the Animation level:


Cool! Thanks! Where do those outputs get plugged into?

Pitch and Yaw variables of the anim blueprint. In your case, you just need the Pitch.

Okay cool one last question, what’s plugged into the Delta Time of the RInterp To node?

Delta Time from the Event Blueprint Update Animation. By the way, that screenshot is from the Animation level in the Content Examples folder. If you go to the end of the level, 1.10 shows a playable third person character with aimoffset which you can study. Cheers.

Alright I’ll need to remember that. Thanks again for your help! I’ll have a cup of Coffee for you :stuck_out_tongue:


I am having a similar issue, However suggested fix does nothing.

Any other clues too what I might have done wrong?

I think you need to make sure the Preview Base Pose in the AimOffset Additive settings is set to the Pistol_Idle pose and not the AimOffset_CC pose. IIRC, using additive animations as base pose will give you weird results.