Resolution/DPI and performance inconsistencies between PIE and Packaged Build

Hi guys

Ive ran into this issue where my game runs better in PIE than in a packaged build.

Basically when I run it on a 4k monitor (3840x2160) in PIE i get 120fps and the same resolution. Im trying to run the same in a packaged build.

However if I package the game and run it in windowed mode, then maximize that window (as if it was PIE) the game refuses to go above 2560x1440 in resolution which naturally makes it look worse. FPS stays 120 at this point.

I try to manually set the resolution to 3840x2160 on begin play but this makes the game window become bigger than the actual desktop and the fps go down significantly, if I scale it down to normal size the res goes back to 2560x1440.

Now I discovered the setting “Allow High DPI in Game Mode” which allows me to run a packaged build in 3840x2160 while the window is correctly sized, but this butchers my FPS and lowers it down to the mid 80’s

What am I missing here, if I can run the game in 3840x2160 at 120fps in PIE it should be possible to do the same in a packaged build too right?

Any help appreciated

Edit: It should probably be mentioned Im running windows in 150% scale

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Turns out Temporal Upsampling was the culprit, turning that off made my project run at 4k 120fps in editor and in packaged build as expected.

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