Hello! I am attempting to make a tiny person film using unreal engine. I wanted to use UE’s hair simulation along with their cloth simulation to help sell the character a bit more. The problem I am running into is that when I scale the character down or up, the physics change as they naturally should to give the correct calculations for the best simulations. The results I get are basically hair flying every which way and the cloth gets more stationary the smaller it gets and the larger it gets the more dynamic it becomes. (kinda interesting because it almost looks like the cloth simulation works better if I scale up the character lol)
My question is how can I work around these limitations. I would like the physics to act the same as if the character was normal size. I don’t know if baking to alembic would work for the hair simulations because you need the groom plugin for it.
I theorize that the cloth simulation could be exported out as alembic and brought back in but the hair has me a little stumped. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated!